Newsletter Archive
Take a look at past Newsletters and Announcements in our extensive Wisdom ArchiveWisdom’s 2015 Year in Review
It has been an action-packed and fulfilling year at Wisdom of the Elders, Inc, and we couldn’t have done it without the support of our board, staff, partners and other friends and colleagues. As a Wopila, or thank you, we’re looking back at 2015 at Wisdom in review...
Wisdom’s “Star-Storming” Crowdfunding Campaign has launched!
Click Here to support Climate and Native Wisdom Documentary Film and Radio Series! Wisdom of the Elders has launched our "Star-Storming" crowdfunding campaign. We have a wonderful opportunity to document treasured Native American elders from the Oregon Coast for our...
Native American Storytelling Gathering
Friday November 20, 7:00 - 9:30pm Zenger Farm, Urban Grange 11741 SE Foster Rd Portland, OR 97266 Wisdom and the Northwest Indian Storytellers Association raise our hands in thanks to everyone who helped to support the Northwest Indian Storytelling Association at our...
10th NISA Festival Photos
Thursday October 15th An Evening of Tribal Storytelling to Honor NIEA - First Unitarian Church of Portland [slideshow_deploy id='517952'] Friday October 16th Presented by ASPCC Native Nations Club Portland Community College, Cascade Campus, Moriarty Arts &...
Native American Storytelling Gathering Friday November 20th, 7:00 – 9:30pm Zenger Farm Urban Grange, 11741 SE Foster Rd Portland, OR 97266
Stories have been an important aspect of Native American Alaskan Native culture for thousands of years, and continue to enliven and enrich the lives of Native people of all ages and ethnicities. Wisdom of the Elders, Inc., the Northwest Indian Storytellers...
10th Annual Northwest Indian Storytelling Festival Program
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10th Annual Northwest Indian Storytelling Festival Presented by Northwest Indian Storytellers Association and Wisdom of the Elders, Inc.
Click here to buy tickets for Oct 15, 2015 NISA Festival at First Unitarian Church of Portland Click here to buy tickets for Oct 16, 2015 NISA Festival at PCC Cascade Campus, Moriarty Auditorium Click here to buy tickets for Oct 17, 2015 NISA Festival at Portland Art...
Wisdom of the Elders e-Newsletter
News & Invitations from Wisdom of the Elders Thursday April 12, 2015 Paul Lumley to be Keynote Speaker at An Evening with Wisdom of the Elders June 19, 2015: Columbia River tribes have enjoyed record salmon returns for the past year. The Columbia River...
National endowment for the arts funds wisdom to continue climate films and radio series
Wisdom is forming a Native Climate Council and seeking recommendations of Native individuals willing to serve on this council. It will be formed during the spring and summer months of 2015 in order to consult on the issues being experienced in our local Native...
Wisdom is forming a Native Climate Council and seeking recommendations of Native individuals willing to serve on this council. It will be formed during the spring and summer months of 2015 in order to consult on the issues being experienced in our local Native...