Wisdom of the Elders, Inc

Wisdom of the Elders, Inc

Indigenous Archive Initiative

The Wisdom of the Elders, Inc. Indigenous Archive Initiative is a monumental endeavor to preserve and share the rich cultural heritage and wisdom of Indigenous communities. By digitizing and organizing over two decades of recorded video footage, we are creating an accessible online interactive database. Please support our mission by donating to our fund today.
Wisdom of the Elders, Inc

Indigenous Archive Initiative

The Wisdom of the Elders, Inc. Indigenous Archive Initiative is a monumental endeavor to preserve and share the rich cultural heritage and wisdom of Indigenous communities. By digitizing and organizing over two decades of recorded video footage, we are creating an accessible online interactive database. Please support our mission by donating to our fund today.
Wisdom of the Elders, Inc

Our Mission

Wisdom records, preserves, and shares oral history, cultural arts, language concepts, and traditional ecological knowledge of exemplary Native American elders, storytellers, and scientists in collaboration with diverse institutions, agencies, and organizations. Our vision: Native American cultural sustainability, multimedia education, and cultural reconciliation.

Wisdom Newsletter

Native Wisdom Documentary Film Update

Wisdom’s multimedia team is continuing its work on an educational film shared with the forestry service, and also filming a program that features a variety of Grandmothers stories.

Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge: An Internship program

Wisdom of the Elders, Inc. is pleased to announce the (ITEK Program) Indigenous Traditional  Ecological Knowledge. This program is designed for interns and focuses on traditional ecological knowledge passed down from generations.

Wisdom of the Elders, Inc 2024 Horizontal

Wisdom Projects, Community Action, & Events

Read more about what Wisdom of the Elders is doing in the community.

Made possible with support from these generous Partners, Funders, and sponsors

The Collins Foundation
First Nations Development Institute
Native Arts & Cultures Foundation
national Endowment for the Arts
East Portland Action Plan
Zenger Farm
Portland Parks & Recreation
Johnson Creek Water Shed
Open Signal
Leach Botanical Garden
East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District
MHCRC Community Grant
ninety-nine girlfriends
Oregon Metro
Meyer Memorial Trust
Big Green DAO
 Willamette Week Give Guide

Made possible with support from these generous Partners, Funders, and sponsors

Notes from Wisdom’s Executive Director

Hello, and a happy Spring to all of you.
I hope this finds you all well, and thank you for checking in with Wisdom!

I want to say thank you to our staff, who are all amazing.
I appreciate your dedication and perseverance to our mission and projects as we continue to move forward.

To our Board, thank you for standing for Wisdom while helping to expand our outreach through sharing our visions and goals with your professional and community partners, and families.

We work closely with each team member and Board member to make sure we build on our mission while expanding our vision for the future and continuing to increase our programs and staff.

I would like to direct your attention to our Multimedia Archives Project.
As all of the 30 years of the film is on formats such as 8mm, reel-to-reel, or VHS,
we sent out, and have recently received back, the first of our Digitized footage.

*We are excited to finally be able to get every single item digitized and returned to the families and Tribes from which all of these stories came. We will honor those agreements.

As we go through each of the films &/or recordings to identify participants, we will be reaching out for assistance in identifying the people who contributed to them. In time, we will be reaching back out to inquire about future presentations and opportunities for community engagements to help preserve and share the stories, histories, and Indigenous knowledge as is appropriate.

Furthermore, we have now renewed our partnership with OpenSignal for our Multimedia program internships (as we had to discontinue due to the onset of COVID-19).

Our ITEK internships are going great as well! So wonderful to see the engagement and dedication of our students. We are planning to increase our offerings by adding more weeks for classes and hands-on fieldwork to both internships.

Please be sure to check out our paid internships.
You can find out more information and whom to contact from the ITEK and Multimedia sites.

We are looking to the future with great excitement. Please feel free to contact us and let’s see how we can work together for a greater future for our communities and for our shared environments.

- Teresa Montana,

Executive Director