by Wisdom Blogger | Nov 16, 2021 | Oregon, Storytelling, Turtle Island Storytellers Network
A Convention of Satyrs My name is Spider Moccasin and I’m an enrolled tribal member of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. I’m a Wasco/Warm Springs person. I’m a cartoonist and a rock and roll musician I’m currently collaborating with a...
by Wisdom Blogger | Nov 16, 2021 | Announcements
Arlie Neskahi : Here’s Nico Wind with tribal rhythms. Music: James Demars Concerto For Native American Flute Spirit Horses: The Music Of James Demars; Nakai Canyon Records Nico Wind: ” . . . My horse has a hoof like...
by Wisdom Blogger | Nov 15, 2021 | Oregon, Storytelling, Turtle Island Storytellers Network
Remember your Weyakin My name is John Bevis. I’m a member of the Umatilla tribe. I’m Umatilla /Walla Walla ancestry. My Indian name is Mowitit, which comes from my grandmother’s side the Barnhardt side. Born and raised on the Umatilla Reservation. I...
by Wisdom Blogger | Nov 11, 2021 | Oregon, Storytelling, Turtle Island Storytellers Network
Gerald Primeaux Senior, I am a Huntawa Lakota from the Yankton Sioux Reservation. My name is Chactawa which means Twin Eagle Boy. I was born in 1963 in Yankton, South Dakota, my dad was Asa Primeaux Senior. His dad, my grampa, was Harry Primeaux Senior. My great...
by Wisdom Blogger | Nov 11, 2021 | Oregon, Storytelling, Turtle Island Storytellers Network
It Feeds My Soul My name is Lillian Pitt and my Indian name is Wakamu and my ancestry on the BIA papers is Warm Springs, Wasco, and Yakama. The memories of the elders are very special because they are the last of the quote-unquote traditional type of people who saw...