The Wisdom of the Elders, Inc is guided by a Board of Directors that provides feedback, guidance, and support to the Executive Director and helps to plan for the organization future. The board is currently seeking at least three new members who can bring Indigenous knowledge, perspective, and personal connections with Indian Country to their work. Native heritage is preferred, but open to anyone supporting the organization’s purpose and projects relating to media, TEK curriculum, workforce development, and business.
Wisdom of the Elders, Inc. records, preserves, and shares oral history, cultural arts, language concepts, and traditional ecological knowledge of exemplary Native American elders, storytellers, and scientists in collaboration with diverse institutions, agencies, and organizations. Their vision: Native American cultural sustainability, multimedia education, and cultural reconciliation. More information about the WOE, projects, and recent strategic planning is available on our website.
Service on the board includes four quarterly meetings each year in the Portland area, reading all issues published while on the board, voting on the annual budget, promoting Wisdom to the community, and answering occasional emails from the Executive Director. Terms are for three years. They will be reviewing nominations by late May, in anticipation of their June meeting, but nominations are welcome anytime. If you are interested in serving on the WOE Board, please send an email to Board Member Don Motanic, at don.motanic@gmail.com.