Traditional First Food Symposium

How to Beat the Winter Blues with Tea, Plants, and Oils Part I
(St John's Wort, Citrus, Vitamin C and Rose Hips) Having experienced the snow and heavy rains so soon this year we are headed for what is classically called the “dark of winter.” This is the time when the ice settles in and stories are told to pass the time and...

Staying healthy for the Holiday season with the backdrop of Covid still here
Warming for Winter and Helping the Immune System The Holiday season is upon us with the backdrop of Covid-19 influencing how our lives have changed. Stress and for some lack of sleep, anxiety, and an overall “not feeling so good” can take their toll on our immune...

Eena Festival (Beaver)Saturday, September 25th
Saturday, September 25th from noon to 3 pm the celebration of indigenous culture and ecosystems will be happening and held at the Multnomah Arts Center, rear courtyard, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, Oregon. This event will be fun for the entire family. Storytelling...

Wisdom Internship Traditional Ecological Knowledge Day on Zenger Farm
This past 2021 spring the Wisdom of the Elders, Inc WABI & WWD Internships concluded their program of traditional ecological knowledge. The program was from March 15th, 2021 through the week of June 7th, and met three days a week either virtually or at various...