2013 NISA Festival - S'Klallam Storyteller Roger Fernandes (Photo courtesy Treothe Bullock)

Your one-time or recurring donation helps support Wisdom’s work in cultural sustainability, multimedia education and race reconciliation.

As a Friend of Wisdom, you support:

  • Discovering Our Story Program, our health and wellness initiative
  • Wisdom Gardens, indigenous foods micro-enterprise
  • Wisdom Radio, Series Four: Indigenous Response to Climate Change
  • The Wisdom Project, our Native youth leadership initiative
  • Northwest Indian Storytellers Association’s annual tribal storytelling workshops and festival

Make your gift to Wisdom of the Elders


Your contribution is 100% tax-deductible (Tax ID# 93-1164114)


Friends Triptych

Wisdom of the Elders connects the wisdom of our Native American elders with younger generations and our diverse community. Wisdom seeks to correct misconceptions, end prejudice, bring wellness to Native people and demonstrate how our cultures continue to enrich our world.

Kind words from our Friends:

“I am so pleased and fortunate to be here, working and sharing with Wisdom of the Elders organization; more than anything I want to learn, I want to hear the stories of the Elders.

I think if we are good students to these teachers, we will learn to live well, live now, with a heart full of compassion; think of all that their eyes have seen, how much joy and pain their hearts have experienced. I have always called their teachings ‘heart treasures.’ What treasures they have to share!

~ Teresa Florendo

“Wisdom of the Elders is important, to be able to connect as a whole. Not only are you connecting with your own roots, you are helping each other in a spiritual way by sharing your own experiences. People say, “I want to help change the world, our community” well, this is what Wisdom of the Elders is about.

To create that change, that big motion, that everyone is craving for, that everyone wants to be a part of. But they just need a little push. Well, this is the push! It is being created not only for your soul, but for your mind and your heart, to be able to connect as one.”

                                                                                    ~ Jacquelyn Nielsen

“Wisdom of the Elders has been an exemplary organization for the Native community. It is such a vital piece to our culture. It is through preservation of our elders’ stories and experience that keep us alive, as well as teaching us vital lessons that can help us persevere in our own lives and give us an understanding of who we are as human beings.

I’m so appreciative for the people who serve on behalf of the organization. Their dedication and belief in the program is a testimony of how important it is to hear our elders and record their wisdom and experience. It is through their experience that gives hope and faith in our Creator. Wisdom of the Elders has helped generations come together.”

~ Rochelle Nielsen

Please make your gift to Wisdom of the Elders today


Your contribution is 100% tax-deductible (Tax ID# 93-1164114)