Arlie Neskahi
Wisdom of the Elders host Arlie Neskahi (Diné Nation) is an award-winning composer, musician and recording artist. Neskahi is also widely known for storytelling and his knowledge of traditional Native American culture, music and spirituality.
Neskahi is a teacher of traditional style musical traditions as well as multicultural educator and trainer at universities and colleges and public schools. He provides technical assistance, soundtracks, and scores for recording, video, theater and film projects.
As Musical Director of the American Indian Dance Theatre Company, he was responsible for direction and performance of traditional music as well as the lead singer and soloist. Since 1974 he has been lead singer of the international powwow group, White Eagle Singers and has received awards too numerous to list. His band, Songcatchers, and their album, Dreaming in Color was awarded the First Americans in the Arts in 1994 for Outstanding Musical Achievement. His composition and performance, Round Dance was featured on the 1995 Grammy Award winning Paul Winter release, Prayer for the Wild Things.
Arlie Neskahi on video:
Arlie Neskahi was commissioned to produce an honor song for the Office of the Mayor of Seattle, and the result has been documented in the award winning piece The Mayor’s Honor Song.