When you become a Friend of Wisdom of the Elders by making automatic monthly donations through PayPal, you will receive an invitation to dinner in January with co-founder Rose High Bear at Wisdom’s Kelly Butte House and Gardens.
We appreciate your support which helps us accomplish Native American cultural sustainability, multimedia education and race reconciliation. Our mission: Wisdom of the Elders, Inc. (Wisdom) records, preserves and shares oral history, cultural arts, language concepts and traditional ecological knowledge of exemplary Native elders and scientists in partnership with diverse Native organizations, educational and science institutions and government agencies.
Dogidinh! (means “thank you” in Deg Hit’an Dine):
Please donate today and consider becoming a Friend of Wisdom of the Elders! We need your financial support so Wisdom can continue to correct misconceptions, end prejudice, bring health and wellness to Native people, and demonstrate how Indian culture is continuing to enrich today’s world.
Your financial support during 2014 helped us provide:
* Summer Field Science Camps for Native youth, including professional development training for educators and partners.
* Culturally tailored multimedia curriculum we produced to provide Native responses to unprecedented environmental and climate issues, and special focus upon restoring threatened and endangered traditional First Foods.
* Wisdom’s Workforce Development Program, in development since 2011, will provide our Native community with local educational and career opportunities in environmental restoration.
* Two short documentary films featuring Athabascans: The Caribou People and the second features Inupiaq: People of the Whale have been produced and will be shown at 2015 film festivals.
* The first two radio programs in our fourth series of Wisdom of the Elders Radio Program were produced highlighting Alaska Native response to environmental and climate issues.
* Our 9th Annual Northwest Indian Storytelling Festival was held in Portland along with our Emerging Tribal Storytellers Workshop.