Audio and Transcripts

Onondaga Clan Mother Audrey ShenandoahElder Wisdom:

Barbara Roberts reveals Iroquois and Mi-kmak prophesy told at the UN by the late Onondaga Chief Leon Shenandoah with Onondaga Clan Mother Audrey Shenandoah translating. Telling of difficulties befalling the Iroquois nation, the focus is upon recovery of the earth and development of unity between nations. Concluding words from the Mi-kmak Delegation at the United Nations is translated  “…You heal the self. You help to heal the family. The family helps to heal the community. The community helps to heal the nation. The nations help to heal the world. All the prophesies from other nations now coincide and complement each other. It is time for us all to stop blaming one another, heal from our wounds and move forward, for the survival of the world as we know it lies in our hands…”

Artist’s Spotlight:
Sherman Alexie and Jim Boyd collaborate together on a recording that blends Alexie’s words with Songwriter Boyd’s music, titled Prophecy, produced by Thunderwolf Productions.

Health and Healing:
Judy Bluehorse Skelton discusses the four seasons and gathering activities of the fall season and offers words of wisdom:  “I think fall is the hardest season for the modern culture, the modern society, to move into gracefully because it means letting go of the dreams that were not fulfilled during that summer, letting go of things in our life that may not be working for us any longer.”

Tribal Rhythms:
Nico Wind features an interview with musician Joanne Shenandoah regarding her family’s sharing of Iroquois prophesy at the United Nations and about important musical traditions among her people. She includes several examples of Joanne’s traditional and contemporary music.

Taheebvu Chadi:
Judy Trejo shares prophesy and healing songs of the Ghost Dance, telling the story of the founder of the Ghost Dance, Wavoka, who brought a prophetic teachings of peace and unity to the people, but which were misunderstood by the military and the media.

Turtle Island Storytellers:
Anita Andrezze tells a traditional Yaqui creation story of female Creator, Yamomole and of the tall tree She created. When the tree told the prophesy of  the Yaqui people, and the people refused to listen, “Creator said, ‘My children, I am the Creator. I am your mother, but I don’t control you. You must make your own decisions. And whatever decisions you make, think about your children.’ So she took her favorite river and she rolled it up and put it under her arm and walked away on a rainbow.”