Wisdom Workforce Development, LLC
Wisdom provides opportunities for Native American adults who are interested in serving as interns for the Wisdom Workforce Development Initiative. We provide specialized environmental assessment and habitat restoration training, service learning in local natural areas, and a job pipeline to meaningful environmental career pathways.
Native American Interns will have opportunities to connect with the world of nature while assessing and restoring public natural areas which benefits both Portland’s Native community and the greater community.
Wisdom Workforce Development Internship Program
Wisdom of the Elders, Inc. formed Wisdom Workforce Development as a social venture to provide a holistic approach to environmental habitat restoration utilizing Native American traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and conventional science. This initiative is designed to strengthen Native workers’ career engagement, cultural identity, positive health and wellness resiliency, and address Native American disparities. Contact Alvey Seeyouma (Hopi) at alvey@wisdomoftheelders.org for more information or leave a message at (503) 775-4014.