The Shoshone Language
with Don Addison
[audio:]Arlie Neskahi:
Welcome back to Wisdom of the Elders.
Don Addison:
Halito! I’m Don Addision and this is speaking native.
Our featured tribe today speaks Shoshone, part of a very large language family called Uto-Aztecan. It spans a huge portion of the American West from the Oregon basin into Mexico. Other Uto-Aztecan languages are Paiute, Hopi, Cahuilla, Yaqui, Comanche, Huichol, and Nahuatl of Mexico City. In Shoshone: Saan-da-noo-sen-gan means “I feel good to see you.” Saan-da-noo-sen-gan.
Until next time, yakoke !

Petroglyph Rock, Photo Courtesy of Idaho State University Library, Special Collections Department, Minnie Howard Papers, #MC001-23-03 Plate XXI.

Petroglyph Rock, Photo Courtesy of Idaho State University Library, Special Collections Department, Minnie Howard Papers, #MC001-23-03 Plate XXII.