Newsletter Archive
Take a look at past Newsletters and Announcements in our extensive Wisdom ArchiveThe Wisdom Project Peer Mentor Program
Fill out an application Email Amanda Wisdom of the Elders is recruiting 2 - 4 Native American youth to serve as mentors for The Wisdom Project. This Native American youth leadership initiative is designed to engage Native youth in environmental and climate...
2013 Wisdom’s Year in Review
- from the Desk of Rose High Bear Dear friends and relatives, 2013 brought more blessings to Wisdom, plus a few challenges that helped to make us stronger: Wisdom received its first grant to produce video from National Endowment for the Arts that features Alaska...
Wisdom remembers Madiba – 2013.12.18 eNewsletter
Click to view this email in a browser | Forward this message to a friend Wisdom Gardens, Winter Solstice - from the desk of Rose High Bear As Wisdom Gardens rests for the winter and we prepare for Winter Solstice, I am reflecting on the year, my life, and Wisdom’s...
Wisdom Gardens, Winter Solstice
As Wisdom Gardens rests for the winter and we prepare for Winter Solstice, I am reflecting on the year, my life, and Wisdom’s shared vision for the future of our people. My sub-arctic heritage reveres Winter Solstice as the holiest time of the year – the time to...
Wisdom Radio Series Four
Indigenous Response to Environmental and Climate Issues Wisdom of the Elders Radio is producing it's next series of American Indian public radio programs. Employing a higher level of multimedia journalism – high definition audio and video, science journalism, and new...
Elderberry Harvest Celebration
Wisdom of the Elders invites you to Wisdom Gardens Harvest Celebration, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday Sep. 21. The "Wisdom of the Elderberry" syrup making demonstration was well received last year, and we hope to see both familiar and fresh faces this year. This...
Volunteer at Wisdom Gardens in March & April
We will be hosting volunteer work parties during March and April. Activities will include transplanting heirloom tomato seedlings, labeling plants, mixing potting soil, cleaning pots, watering, and organizing our greenhouse walls and shelves. Work parties will be...
Community Garden Workday March 23, 2013
Wisdom Gardens has a garden plot at the nearby Earl Broyles Community Garden (SE 110th Ave & Francis). We're saving this plot for families in the nearby Native American apartment complex that is just opening. We would love to have your help in preparing the plot...
Farmers Market Volunteer Opportunities for Summer 2013
Wisdom Gardens will be selling heirloom tomato starts this summer at Portland Area Farmers Markets. Volunteers will be needed to staff the booths, assist with transportation, setup and teardown, and create signage and brochures. Email if you are...
Celebrate 20 years with Wisdom!
Join us at Wisdom's 20 Year Anniversary Celebration. The evening will include music from Cedar Rose featuring Nico Wind and Karen Kitchen, an account of Wisdom's history, storytelling, and a keynote address. A raffle and welcoming of new Friends of Wisdom will be held...