The First Nations Development Institute (FNDI) has awarded a grant to Wisdom of the Elders, Inc. under the Nourishing Native Foods and Health Initiative made possible through generous support from the Northwest Area Foundation and Agua Fund.
This grant will help Wisdom of the Elders, Inc. to achieve the following goals for 2023:
- Hire a full-time Environmental Field Instructor to lead Service Learning days for environmental and agricultural internship programs.
- Purchase food preservation equipment to help our community and program participants continue to learn various processing and preservation techniques.
- Assist with establishing an Outreach Assistant position for community outreach, external communication, and administrative duties that support our team and our people.
- Send our environmental restoration contract crew and program staff to the NOLS First Responder Certification training to learn more about field safety/wellness.
- Build a water purification system to help benefit the 19 different community groups which access the kitchen facilities at our office building.
- Ensure our new food preservation equipment is accessible to our community
- Finally, support our ever-growing Wisdom staff.
We are beyond honored to have been chosen as recipients of the First Nations Development Institute Award, and we can’t wait to share with you all what we achieve next!